
Huaaaammm... *nguap mode on* hari minggu niy, kudu masuk kerja... Huhuhu saya mengantuk skaliiii... :( kurang tidur molo akhir2 ini gara2 kebanyakan maen kegiatan ;P heheheh.. saya yg bandel sih, udah tau besoknya masuk kerja pagi tp tetep aja pulang mlm. Walhasil kerja sambil nguap2 gak jelas, keq sekarang.. Huaaaammm....
Bermula dari kamis malem 10 Agustus 2006 kemaren, saya diajak temen2 sesama alumni SMAN 61 buat nonton acara Om Farhan secara Live dalam rangka promo Reuni Akbar SMAN 61 yg bakal diadain 19 Agustus 2006 besok. Nah tuh acara baru mulei jam 22.30 wib dan berakhir jam 12 malem. Saya sih inget2 aja kalo' hari jum'atnya saya tuh jadwal kerja pagi, dimana saya bakal harus bangun jam 4 untuk siap2 memulai aktivitas, tapi yaaaa yg namanya ketemu ama temen2 lama keqnya sayang bgt klo dilewatin. Gak pake mikir lagi, saya tetep jalan buat nonton tuh acara. Apalagi saya ngebayangin malem itu bakal ketemu ama si ganteng Christian Sugiono hehehe...
Lumayan seru acaranya, bisa ketemu ama temen2 lama walopun ada yg bikin saya mo ketawa sendiri kalo' inget2 kemaren ituh, gimana nggak coba? hampir semua temen2 SMA itu menyebutkan kalimat yang sama saat pertama kali liat saya lagi. Huuhh... koq bisa ya? gak si Joko, gak si Dudung gak si Asep semua komentar dengan kalimat serupa pas pertama liat saya lagi. Eh bo'ong dink, gak ada temen SMA saya yang namanya saya sebutin barusan :P itu buat penyamaran ajah, biar namanya gak tercemar. Halaaahh.. masih punya niat baik ginih saya, padahal saya yang merasa dirugikan (dirugikan karena saya jd teringet dgn kebiasaan saya hehehe..) Mao tau kalimat yang mereka ucapkan dan sungguh saya sudah sangat hapal diluar kepala??? hehehe.. apalagi kalo bukan kalimat tanya setengah sindiran seperti "Nana lo gendutan ya..?!" Dueeeennkkk.. *mental ke belakang sejauh 5 meter* dan saya pun langsung nyengir lebar sambil mengangguk pelan dan berkata "iyah" (karena emang ini doank yg bisa saya lakukan... menerima dengan pasrah sambil tetap tersenyum tentunya... huhuhu...) Oiya ada lagi yg bikin saya sedikit manyun, 'coz mimpi saya buat ketemu si ganteng Christian Sugiono sirna karena tema acara "The Magic of Make Up" malem itu menuntut Christian buat didandanin jd monster dengan gigi bertaring. Huhuhu... jadi gak kliatan sama sekali deh muka aslinya yang ganteng :( Dan malem itu saya baru tidur jam 2 pagi dan dengan berat hati harus ngelepasin pelukan guling yang baru saya peluk selama 2 jam. Huhuhu.. kudu kerja pagiiiiii... :((
ps : special thx untuk ncuz, makacih buat "waktu dini hari" nya... maaf merepotkan dirimu, semoga saya bisa tambah dewasa dan bisa ngatur waktu dengan lebih baik lagi! ^____^ doakan saya ya ncuuuuzz.... *halah*
Lalu.. lalu... Hari Jum'at 11/08/2006, dengan jumlah tenaga yang berhasil dikumpulkan sekitar 2,5 jam (2 jam di tempat tidur + 1/2 jam di tempat tidur berjalan mobil jemputan kantor) saya berhasil nyelesain kerjaan kantor dengan baik (baca : sambil nguap-nguap) ;) Tapi entah kenapa waktu tidur yang cuma 2,5 jam itu rasanya lupa begitu saja saat jam kantor menunjukkan jam 4 sore. Yang tadinya nguap2, jadi nggak nguap lagih.. berasa otak langsung penuh oksigen alias seger lagi. Dan ajakan temen2 buat jalan di malam sabtu pun saya terima hehehe... ;) Meluncurlah saya bersama pasukan gembul temen2 kantor saya Cathy, Dia, Norman, Donald, dan Nita ke Cafe Gumati cabang Puncak. Mao tau aja rasanya gimana yg di Puncak, berbeda ato gak ama yg di Bogor, dan ternyata (menurut saya) yg di puncak lebih Romantiiisss.. *langsung ngebayangin kalo diajak makan ama 'my future husband' disana* hehehe... ngarepdotcom ;P
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Dasar pasukan gembul, udah makan enak tetep aja pengen ngganyem (baca : mengunyah). Dan ditemani angin malam Puncak yang dingin menusuk tulang *halah*, saya dan teman2 pun duduk anteng (dengan mulut yang terus ngganyem tentunya) di dekat bara api penjaja jagung bakar, di sebelah gerobak sekoteng dan bakso. Tau kan maksudnya?? :P
Waktu yang kurang buat tidur kembali terulang tentunya, ditambah saya mesti bangun pagi2 pada hari sabtunya. Bukan buat kerja sebenernya, tapi karena saya mo jalan2 ke Bandung. Yipppieeee... ^___^ Hnngg... tapi... jangan tanyakan dengan siapa saya perginya yaks hehehe... krn saya malu mengakuinya :"> hueheuheue...
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingOkeh.. okeh.. saya ceritain *ceritanya dipaksa-paksa buat cerita* :P jadi kemarin ituh saya pergi bersama ibu-ibu arisan PKK RT 02 komplek saya. Hihihi... Loh koq bisa?? Ya, saya ngegantiin mamah saya buat pergi ke Bandung bersama2 ibu2 itu, krn si mamah gak bisa. Dan kebetulan sabtu kemarin ituh saya libur, jadi ya kenapa nggak dicoba jalan2 ama ibu2 toh saya kan juga calon ibu hehehe :"> Sepanjang hari, saya si calon ibu bersama yang sudah ibu2 muter2 ke Pabrik Panci, Pabrik kaen Brokat, Tempat Jajanan khas Bandung dan FO2 yang bertebaran di Bandung. Setelahnya sebelumnya baru kali ini saya ngeliat kelompok arisan Ibu2 ngocok arisan di atas bis pariwisata. Holoh.. holoh.. nggak kebayang sebelumnya saya mesti nenteng2 loyang dan kaen brokat buat oleh2 dirumah. Hahahaha... ternyata lucu dan seru juga euy pergi ama ibu2... :P
Dan bisa ditebak kan kenapa saya masih nguap2 hari minggu ini? Yup, karena kemaren tuh dari Bandung pulangnya malem dan saya baru tidur jam 1 dini hari dan mesti bangun pagi2 lagi... kudu kerja pagi booo... Huaaaammm....
ps : untung besok senen saya libur, bs bales dendam nih keqnya :P hehehe... buat yg masuk di hari senen, met bekerja semuanya... ^___^ semangaaatt!! saya dong libuuuurrr... weeekk :P

posted by .n.a.n.a. @ Sunday, August 13, 2006,


At Sunday, August 13, 2006, Blogger x2nie said...

kok sama sih? hari minggu gini gua jug masih di kerjaan. senin kek nya gue jug pingin libur deh, Na! :P

bedanya gue enggak di puncak, tapi baru di lantai 12 dari 14. terusan gue jug gak lembur, gak ada makanan, gak ada angin malem, gaadaa apa-apa. cuma aku dan kompiku. kok?

iya, lagi bikin konsep, makanya enak ga ada yg ganggu. :D
(hari minggu yg aneh ya?)

At Sunday, August 13, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heh? rumahnya di PPI ??
koq sama yaah...

At Monday, August 14, 2006, Blogger dahlia said...

nana...bijimana kalo gw yang gantiin elo ke acara om farhan huhuhu ketemu sapa? christian sugiono ooooh gw bersedia deh !!!

At Monday, August 14, 2006, Blogger bebex said...

kacian banget mingu2 masuk,,
na,dimana2 kalo mingu tuh libur..pengamen ajha libur juga :D wakakka *ngakak*

At Monday, August 14, 2006, Blogger Ni'am said...

jadi ikutan ngantuk.........

At Monday, August 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

iya juga kurang bobo nih ...makanya sakit...but its okay...namanya juga orang hidup..segala apapun kegiatan so pasti istirahatnya jangan kurang jangan berlebihan..proporsional lah...wuokehh... met aktiitas lg yah abis libur... kapan2 ajak aq maem juga yah di gulmati puncak....hehehe romantis juga...halah ngarepdotkodotaydi...hehehe...:) (*)...manajemen waktu jangan lupa!!!

At Monday, August 14, 2006, Blogger Rian Ahmad said...

Na Kurang Bobo Ya...?

Kamu kurang bobo malah 'gendutan' ya... kalo aku sebaliknya... gara-gara kurang bobo malah jadi kurusan. Emang adat lelaki kayak gitu ya...

Eh Na... Kamu ke Bandung ya. So, pasti ke daerah utara. Banyak FO sich... Berap hari di bandung?

BTW, sidebar blogmu kok gak kelihatan ya...?

Rian Ahmad

At Tuesday, August 15, 2006, Blogger Youtea said...

met istirahat Nana, setelah bangun moga aja seger kembali. *sambil menina bobokan nana*

duh... yang dah calon ibu rumah tangga... mau dunk diajak arisan sambil jalan2 gitu. kapan buk kita arisan bareng neh...

At Tuesday, August 15, 2006, Blogger WeSy 'CiCi' said...

na, aq tertarik dengan kalimat *langsung ngebayangin kalo diajak makan ama 'my future husband' disana*
dah ada lom??? ato jangan2 yg waktu itu ketemuan yaaa??? *kedip2 ma nana*

At Tuesday, August 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said... jg hari minggu kmrn hrs te2p kerja.mana sabtunya sibuk ngurusin resepsi orang lagi!*dy yg kawin gw yg sibuk hala...h*dan hari senin harus te2p masuk.. -_-
*sangat berharap akan hari kamis karna gw bisa libur panjang sampe hari senen*

At Tuesday, August 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ass, aduh na cape bnr ni kyanya, tp senengkan, sambil bygin juga sm my future husband, *ngayal ni...*

At Tuesday, August 15, 2006, Blogger Rara Vebles said...

Wuiihhh... TOP abis.. Ssst.. aku tunggu cerita next edition sm yg ituh ya... ya..? *bisik2*

At Tuesday, August 15, 2006, Blogger Nita said...

hari tetap kerja malah enak to na..... nggak pengeluaran uang malah tambah uangnya..hehehehe

At Wednesday, August 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

arrgghhh saya udah lama g ketemu mantan,,
iya itu c christian hahaha..

uhhh pengen k puncak juga..
enak kyana makan jagung bakar sore" huhuhu

At Wednesday, August 16, 2006, Blogger Ida Syafyan said...

anak gaul... dari jalan2 bareng yg muda-muda hayoh, jalan2 sama ibu-ibu mau juga... :D

At Thursday, August 17, 2006, Blogger wku said...

Keren banget nih calon ibu...:)

At Thursday, August 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahaha... saya mah kalong.justru dibawah jam 12 ituh hebat!!! :P lols

met 17an buk! sayangnya anda kerja yak? hihihi ksian gak ikutan lomba!:P


At Thursday, August 17, 2006, Blogger DeLaKeke said...

salam sam temannya yang di foto itu tuh...hehehe

At Friday, August 18, 2006, Blogger Admin said...

wew met libur panjang aja piye kabare jakarte pasti masih selalu always gedubrak² ya hihihi ^_^
salam kenal.

At Tuesday, August 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hr ini ngga nguap2 kan na di kantor? :)

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At Thursday, March 14, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Thursday, March 14, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Thursday, March 14, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Thursday, March 21, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Thursday, April 11, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Saturday, April 13, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Saturday, April 13, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Saturday, April 13, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Sunday, April 14, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Sunday, April 14, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Sunday, April 14, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Sunday, April 14, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Sunday, April 14, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Sunday, April 14, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Sunday, April 14, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Sunday, April 14, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In conclusion, pet dogs are among the greatest creatures to obtain as animals because of the adorable and affectionate nature. This makes them an excellent companion for anyone regardless of how aged they may be. Even though pet dogs are wonderful, they can be challenging to coach. Even so, when you use the information from this post, you may make proper dog training simpler.Teach Your Pet Dog With Love And Not Just Food [url=]Louboutin Australia[/url]
Determine if your coverage provides discounts for non-smokers and retired persons. There are several insurance companies that provide no-people who smoke a price reduction of about 15 % if you meet the criteria. To meet the criteria, you need to be a low-tobacco user and you can't enable smoking by any individual in your own home. Retired persons and elderly people normally receive discount rates considering that insurance firms have a tendency to believe that they'll be house much more and may safeguard their residence in opposition to break in and fire. [url=]Ray Ban Sunglasses Australia[/url]
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At Sunday, April 14, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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If you wish to prevent candidiasis, you should be very careful from the items that enter into exposure to your vagina. Feminine sprays, bubble baths, and fragrant cleansers can all inflame the location inside the genitals and boost the potential risk of a candida albicans. Something that is aromatic or dyed ought not enter in to experience of the vaginal canal. [url=]Nike Shox Australia[/url]
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At Saturday, April 20, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Saturday, April 20, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Saturday, April 20, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Saturday, April 20, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Sunday, April 21, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Sunday, April 21, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Use inexpensive sponges to create your own personal throw away paintbrushes. You can buy these sponges twelve or higher at any given time in the buck retail store. Reduce those to the size and style you need and clip these people to a spring-packed outfits pin. You'll have got a properly performing paintbrush that expense just a few cents to help make! [url=]Supra Shoes Melbourne[/url]
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At Sunday, April 21, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Sunday, April 21, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Sunday, April 21, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Sunday, April 21, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Sunday, April 21, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Monday, April 22, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Monday, April 22, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Monday, April 22, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Monday, April 22, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Monday, April 22, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Monday, April 22, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Monday, April 22, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Monday, April 22, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Monday, April 22, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Monday, April 22, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Monday, April 22, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Share homeschooling duties with the spouse. It quite a bit of try to teach your kids, in fact it is hard to go through it alone. Should you allow your partner to show a training program or two, even if that session occur in the nights or on the vacations, you can obtain a a lot-needed crack. Furthermore, your young ones will see yet another adult's standpoint and be given a more effectively-rounded training. Your lover will likely truly feel much more included, and that is an incredibly satisfying sensing. [url=]Timberland Boots Australia[/url]
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At Monday, April 22, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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So some thing relating to your physique has been bothering you for several years. You will be now on the fence as to whether, or not you want to do one thing about it. Make time to read the pursuing report to obtain a few ideas in regards to the do's, and don'ts about plastic surgery. [url=]Nike Air Max Australia[/url]
Taking a lot of vitamin supplements also can cause hair thinning. When vitamins are helpful, you should make sure you are just having the right sum. Keep in mind that natural vitamins are in the meals we consume so taking good care not to get too much of these vitamins. Hair loss is linked to your system is getting an excessive amount of Vitamin A and E. If you are planning via a separation and divorce plus your ex-partner documents for personal bankruptcy, you can find outstanding debts that can not be dismissed. Child support, alimony, numerous house resolution responsibilities, restitution, and student education loans, are all prohibited to get dismissed in a personal bankruptcy from separation and divorce. In rare situations, some property settlement agreements are allowed to be released. Speak with a legal professional to learn which ones can. [url=]Nike Free Run Australia[/url]

At Monday, April 22, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Monday, April 22, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Monday, April 22, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Consider using a tooth brush with delicate bristles. Your gum line are very sensitive. Method and challenging bristles can harm them over you understand. Try changing to a brush with smooth bristles to safeguard them. You should especially consider switching if you already have any trouble with chewing gum discomfort or blood loss. [url=]Abercrombie And Fitch[/url]
Get multiple plans with similar insurance provider. Most insurance providers give a multiple-plan discounted if you have several different types of insurance plans with them. You may get a discounted of 10 % to twenty percent simply by having numerous guidelines with similar insurance company. [url=]Mbt Shoes Clearance Australia[/url]
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At Monday, April 22, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Tuesday, April 23, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Tuesday, April 23, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Tuesday, April 23, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, April 24, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Thursday, April 25, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Thursday, April 25, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Thursday, April 25, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Thursday, April 25, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Friday, April 26, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

An excellent tip if you're enthusiastic about acquiring wine is always to not get too taken away with acquiring lots of wine that you simply at present like. Likes alter all the time and you will feel dissapointed about preparing your wine cellar with a variety of wines that you simply afflict like right now. [url=]Nike Shox Australia[/url]
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At Friday, April 26, 2013, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Determine your current strong points before you decide to attempt to modify your observed flaws. An important element of self improvement is having a genuine understanding of your entire personal. Sadly, personal development typically centers only on flaws. Usually, enhancing an already created energy can be more important to achieving your long term targets. [url=]Jordan Scarpe[/url]
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